Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Essay two

A person’s identity can be recognized by their role in society, a major change in their life, and their interests.

I think that someone's idenity has a lot to do with their job occupation. Whenever you meet someone new, usually the first question asked is what do you do? Even if you are not paid for your occupation, such as a college student, it is still your role in society. Also, everyone goes through changes in their life. When I went from high school to college my identiy definetly changed. As you experience new things you also find new interests. Whether it is deciding your major based on a class you like or a cute guy you met and end up falling in love with, you are shaping the person you will become in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are right about the identity perceived by others, concerning someone’s occupation. We do ask that question a lot, in America (I couldn’t resist not to put this in, that’s not the case in my old country) and for many, the occupation makes the most important part of their identity.
    I like to ask: What are you passionate about?
