Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I have to be honest, I will most likley never look at this blog post again. However, this blog post could be helpful and fun for others. When blogging you can freely write ideas, unlike a formal paper. People who are creative and maybe want to be English majors would enjoy this post. However, I am not creative and sometimes have a hard time thinking of ideas to write. It is strange that I have a hard time doing this because most people could go on forever and ever talking about one topic. I do think that this blog post taught me how to form ideas in writing better though. If I was going into creative writing I would probably use this blogger everyday:)


  1. Blogging was a somewhat new experience for me as well. However, one thing that I do enjoy about is the idea that you can write about whatever you want whether its about your day or how you feel about life in general. I agree though, that this isnt something for everyone. But being taken out of your comfort zone and being able to do the work shows that you can do whatever is asked of you in the workforce, family life, etc.

  2. I agree that it's good you can express ideas without feeling the pressure of being formally graded. I also will forget about this blog after tonight. One of the wonderful aspects of blogging is the anonymity.
