Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I have to be honest, I will most likley never look at this blog post again. However, this blog post could be helpful and fun for others. When blogging you can freely write ideas, unlike a formal paper. People who are creative and maybe want to be English majors would enjoy this post. However, I am not creative and sometimes have a hard time thinking of ideas to write. It is strange that I have a hard time doing this because most people could go on forever and ever talking about one topic. I do think that this blog post taught me how to form ideas in writing better though. If I was going into creative writing I would probably use this blogger everyday:)

Legalizing Marijuana

I choose the topic legalizing marijuana because I just finished a civil rights and liberties project about it and found some interesting facts that I would like to explore furthur in this post. Although in my project I was against the legalization of marijuana because I was taught that it is morally wrong, during my research I found several reasons to legalize it. I was shocked by the statistics of how many people use it. Also, did you know more people will die from drinking and smoking ciggerettes every year? Guess how many people died from smoking marijuana last year..none! This also reminds me of the movie we watched, I.O.U.S.A. If our country is trillions of dollars in debt why not make money off of something that a large majority of people already do? In conclusion my opinion about the legalization of marijuana drastically changed.

Essay two

A person’s identity can be recognized by their role in society, a major change in their life, and their interests.

I think that someone's idenity has a lot to do with their job occupation. Whenever you meet someone new, usually the first question asked is what do you do? Even if you are not paid for your occupation, such as a college student, it is still your role in society. Also, everyone goes through changes in their life. When I went from high school to college my identiy definetly changed. As you experience new things you also find new interests. Whether it is deciding your major based on a class you like or a cute guy you met and end up falling in love with, you are shaping the person you will become in the future.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Crooked River Burning

At first Crooked River Burning was difficult to understand. I had lived in the suburbs of Cleveland my entire life and went to school right across the street from Shaker Lakes and have never heard of some of the people and places in the book. The fact that Cleveland used to be one of the largest citys is baffeling, but also fasinating. It's interesting and different to read a love story told from my own city and not New York or Los Angeles. This book ties together history and romance while revealing some of the city's secrets.

Color Me Butterfly Quote

" They were relieved that the Prince of Darkness had, at long last, left their home" (Marlow 74). I picked this quote because it demonstrates an important changing point in the book. Everyone was relieved when Isaac finally left the household. No more abuse and no more fear. I also appreciate how the author capatilized Prince of Darkness in the quote. This emphasizes Isaac's evil. As soon as Isaac drove away, Eloise had to raise the kids on her own. Strain and relief overcomed her the moment she found out Isaac left. However, Isaacs disappearance from their life was an overall positive feeling.

Marlow, L. Y. Color Me Butterfly. Grand Rapids: El, 2007. Print.

Peer Review

Being able to recieve feedback from others is helpful when writing a final paper. During the peer review session it was important that me and my partner read our papers out loud to eachother. This allowed us to fix any akwardness and misuse of words, something I struggle with. This paper taught me how to flow paragraphs together while inturpurting facts, opinions, and own experiances. We could apply each of these aspects to other papers we write in the future.

Eloise's Ways of Knowing

In the begginning of Color Me Butterfly Eloise expresses silance. She keeps the abuse in her family silent and listens to Isaac. Even when the kids are abused she feels as if she can only sit back and pray. Not leaving Isaac first signs of abuse and keeping mute was very difficult for Eloise. After Isaac leaves she begins to feel relief. Being a single parent raising eight children by herself makes her a strong individual. With a defined role in society she begins to express characteristics of a recieved knower. Finding her own identity after Isaac leaves, she still remains true to others. Eloise is a good listener for her children and grandchildren.