Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Education

What is your educational philosophy?
Education is very important to me. Having completed a high level of education will allow a person to not only sound intellectual when having a conversation with others, but succeed in the working industry. I also believe that with a high level of education you can be more respected in the social world.

How do you learn best?
I learn better in a lab setting because it is more hands on. When I am in a lecture I am usually dosing off or thinking about something else. Even when I am interested in the particular topic it is no fun having a monotone teacher talk for hours and hours. However, sometimes it is unavoidable. If that is the case then I usually do not pay attention in class. Some may ask how I learn the material and do well on the exams? Well, I will either teach myself, usually cramming right before a test reading over all the material we learned in the course of weeks in one night, or visit a tutor. Having one on one attention may seem selfish, but is the only way you can get me to pay attention!

What is you ideal system of education?
I believe more in private schools then public. I have been through private school almost my entire life except for two minor slip ups. In junior high I did not fully understand why my parents were sending me to a private school with ugly uniforms and strict rules. At recess we weren't even aloud to talk to boys, I seemed to always get in trouble for that. That is when I decided for my last year of junior high, 8th grade, I wanted out of the private school district and in with the public school district. was not what I pictured. Kids were mean and teachers were lazy. No one cared if you did well or went on to college. The public school in my district had on 35% of the kids going on to college, and even then you could not guarantee they would graduate. I went to an all girls high school, which is kind of ironic since I was usually the one caught with the boys and deemed the biggest flirt. To be honest though, so far, those were the best years of my life. After that I went back to public, only because my parents said they would pay for everything and I wouldn't even have to have a job. Once again I learned from my mistake that it was not for me and came back to another all girls private school.

1 comment:

  1. I totally relate to the "lecture" style of teaching. I often find myself daydreaming or falling asleep, however I am not comfortable being called out in class either! As far as going to a private school vs a public school I have to say we live in a small suburb and my children attend a small school where everyone knows everyone else and it does present problems, especially personel ones. It would be nice to live where everyone excepts everyone for who they are and minds their own business...someday...
